Regular price 21.000.000 Sale

AQUALYX quickly and effectively eliminates stubborn fat pockets by causing the dissolution of fat cells. The active substance locks on to the fat cell walls and starts to operate, resulting in the cell wall becoming unstable and slowly releasing the fatty acid that is stored within. Cell residue is removed by the body’s defenses and the non-attached fatty acids are excreted through the lymphatic system allowing the body to expel the released fatty acids naturally.
Fat will have a hard time accumulating back because AQUALYX completely destroys the fat cells in the treated area.

RESULTS : Volume loss in the injected areas. You will experience 2 – 6 centimeter loss in the injected area over the course of 15 to 20 days.
  • Outer and Inner Thighs
  • Knees 
  • Under buttocks
  • Hips
  • Stomach and Abdomen
  • Chin
  • Upper and lower Back 
  • Dorsal
  • Shoulders and Arms
NOTE : The treatment price includes a surgical corset to prevent lax skin from volume loss in the treated area.
TREATMENT SUITABLE FOR : Patients who do not want the more invasive liposuction and who are not obese but have instead stubborn fat pockets.
CONTRAINDICATIONS : The treatment is not suitable for pregnant or lactating women or those with a pathological condition.
POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS : Some patients can expect a little skin itchiness, bruising and slight swelling, which will ease after a 1 – 2 days.

COMPOSITIONAQUALYX is a solution that contains a detergent from the deoxycholate family, a bile acid, that has been physically modified in order to reduce the biological half‐life and a sugar‐based slow release system results in minimal side effects . With the assistance of bacteria, our own body is able to produce this acid itself in the liver in order to aid the digestion of fat. The fat-dissolving effect of this acid was utilized by Prof. Pasquale Motolese, the inventor of AQUALYX who developed the synthetically manufactured variant.