Regular price 900.000 Sale

With the combination of PIRONIC MULTIPOLAR Radio Frequency, this treatment creates a more ANATOMICALLY ROUND breast shape, lifts the nipples, reduces and drains heavy fat deposits in the dorsal and underarms area.

This procedure is also one of the favorite non-invasive breast firming and breast-lift treatment preferred by world-class breast augmentation surgeons. As it helps to tone and fix the shape of the breast even after implant surgery.

The procedure takes about 10 to 15 minutes per breast and it is 100% painless, requires no downtime and there is no bruising, it is recommended to do bi-weekly sessions until a cycle of 6 to 10 sessions is completed.  

BREAST ReFIRM™ treatment is highly beneficial not just for lifting and re-contouring the breast but as a PREVENTION against breast cysts, tumors and ultimately cancer as it stimulates drainage and can dissolve dead fatty tissue. INDIBA's PIRONIC technology uses Hyperthermia of over 100 degrees F that destroys malignant cells by raising the tumor temperature and allowing the body to safely metabolize it. 


  • Patients with Small to Medium sized breast will usually require a 6 – 8 sessions cycle
  • Patients with Medium to Large sized breast will usually require an 8 - 12 sessions cycle
  • Patients with Large sized breast will usually require a 10 - 16 sessions cycle
RESULTS : are very noticeable after the 2nd or 4th session depending on the size and severity of the drop in the breast shape. Results continue improving for up to 21 days after every session. After the end of a treatment cycle it’s suggested to repeat a session or two every quarter to maintain the results.