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Long-wave resonant absorption (CONCAVE) Technology.

CONCAVE waves penetrate our bodies and are converted into the appropriate energy. This activates self-regulating systems in our living tissue so as to alleviate bodily imbalances and leading to recovery. It is not only a beneficial health therapy, but can also be a substitute for other therapeutic modalities.

Treatment ranges from 20 to 60 minutes and 30 to 60 degrees depending on the desired results.

RESULTS : Burns 1.800 Calories, and initially delivers temporary pain relief, detoxification and cell regeneration, but with repeated treatments the results duration become longer and eventually lasting.


  • Elevates the temperature of subcutaneous layers, by expanding blood capillaries, stimulating blood circulation, increasing metabolism between blood and tissue, promoting tissue regeneration and reducing cramping.
  • Penetrates 4-5 centimeters into the dermis (middle skin layer) from muscles into blood vessels, lymphatic glands and nerves.
  • Affects every living cell and produces warmth. Through this cell tissue ”micro-friction” and the vibration of molecular resonance, chemicals within cells are activated.
  • The warming effect can help in reducing or eliminating the waste products generated by aging, heavy metals and toxic substances, which are then secreted by the sweat and dermis-layer fat glands.
  • Adjusts autonomic nerve function and reduces over-stimulation of sensory nerves.


  • Waves reach into the cell and create water molecule resonance
  • The waves then produce atomic molecule resonance
  • Energy conversion occurs through absorption
  • It forms an effect on the heart
  • It enters to the subcutaneous cell layer
  • Temperature is elevated
  • Capillary dilation takes place
  • Extravagated blood and congested toxins are excreted
  • Stem Cells are activated
  • Organ cells are repaired and protected
  • The formation of enzymes is promoted